Monday, September 26, 2011

Celebrating Two Years with Tree Hugging

Yesterday marked the two year anniversary since we brought M. home.
Two years. Two years! Time has flown by!
In addition to the many special stories and memories that were shared again this week, we headed out to a local nursery on Friday and bought an aspen tree.
I have always had this little idea/dream to plant a tree for each one of our children when they were born. Obviously, our children will be coming into our families at very different times and ways, so that might not work. But, two years is just as joyous of an occasion to put this idea into motion.
M. was filled with excitement about "his tree" and as soon as we set it on the ground, he started doing a little dance to celebrate. He was also sure it give it lots of hugs so it would grow big and strong like him. And because he is who he is, he was also sure to yell at anyone within walking distance that this was his tree and "No one can take it - even if you want it!" Dinner was even interrupted a few times as we "checked" on the tree to make sure it was doing okay.
So here is to M. May you grow big and strong. May you become deeply rooted and receive all the nourishing that you need. Love you little man!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Two Years Ago Today

Two years ago today we met M. for the first time.
(September 18, 2011 - Two years after first meeting M.)
We spent some time remembering those special moments today.
As we reread our journal entries from that day (feel free to read our entries from last year as we spend this week remembering our time in Ethiopia), our hearts are filled with emotions and gratitude for the past two years. It hasn't always been easy and we haven't always had all the answers, but those first moments of seeing M. are still so clear in our minds and we are so thankful that he is our son.
There are many moments over the past two years where I felt that I have no patience left in me, no tolerance left for the energy and friendliness, no freaking idea how I am suppose to raise this beautiful boy in a way that won't destroy him and mess him up....
But, somehow in those moments, I gain glimpses of the beauty of having this little boy as my son. I gain glimpses of the many, many lessons that are being thrown at me to learn through his heart. When he cuddles up next to me, calls me his princess, and creates rules that involve hugs my heart swells knowing that he is absolutely perfect for me - even in the most challenging moments.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


We've had some interesting conversations these past few days with the little man about his race.

Comments have been made at school and long story short, it is impacting his heart and how he views himself.

My heart breaks for him and my eyes well up with tears even as I write this. I want nothing more than for my sweet boy to feel like he belongs and is beautiful. I want him to be confident in who God created him to be and never think that he falls short or is the wrong color.

So this is what is keeping me up at night. This is what I am now currently trying to teach myself all about.

"Individuals of any race or culture do not outgrow the longing to be connected - to have a sense of belonging, to be with others who are "just like me," and to know they are a part of a broader community." (Excerpt from Dim Sum, Bagels, and Grits)

You just forget how privileged you are to be white until something like this smacks you in the face.