Yesterday marked the two year anniversary since we brought M. home.
Two years. Two years! Time has flown by!
In addition to the many special stories and memories that were shared again this week, we headed out to a local nursery on Friday and bought an aspen tree.
I have always had this little idea/dream to plant a tree for each one of our children when they were born. Obviously, our children will be coming into our families at very different times and ways, so that might not work. But, two years is just as joyous of an occasion to put this idea into motion.
M. was filled with excitement about "his tree" and as soon as we set it on the ground, he started doing a little dance to celebrate. He was also sure it give it lots of hugs so it would grow big and strong like him. And because he is who he is, he was also sure to yell at anyone within walking distance that this was his tree and "No one can take it - even if you want it!" Dinner was even interrupted a few times as we "checked" on the tree to make sure it was doing okay.
So here is to M. May you grow big and strong. May you become deeply rooted and receive all the nourishing that you need. Love you little man!