Wednesday, July 23, 2008


So why adoption? Why, when we have the opportunity to grow our family through very "normal" methods would we not do so? Well, first of all, I don't like the word normal. The reasons are not that easy to sum up in a few short sentences and in order to understand this decision, we feel that you need to understand our hearts.
I, SaraJane, have wanted to adopt a child since I was in the second grade. I remember visiting the school library one day and coming across a picture book that discussed adoption. I remember finishing that book and thinking that I wanted to be a part of something as beautiful as that. Throughout my life I continually came across information, whether I sought it out on my own or not. The desire planted in my heart has continued to grow and remains even stronger.
When Micah entered into my life I quickly shared with him my strong desire toward adoption. We had many conversations regarding the topic and I trusted that when the time came to grow our family we would have many more conversations about the topic. Micah has always been supportive of the idea. As a matter of fact, within our first year of marriage we traveled to Belize and Guatemala and while sitting on a gravel road at eleven o'clock at night discussed what it would look like for our family to become a transracial family.
As we began discussing what it would look like for our family to begin expanding, Micah and I both felt an overwhelming desire to bring a child into our family through adoption. There are so many children in this world that are yearning for a hug, yearning for a family, and we want to provide that for them.
There are probably a million other reasons and a million other thoughts, but it feels a little difficult to put into words what I have felt in my heart for such a long time. I am so thankful that Micah is willing to take this journey with me and that together we will walk this beautiful path that leads us to our child.

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