Monday, November 16, 2009

Inspiration from Malawi

I came across this story and thought it was inspirational.

I would love to see some of our students striving this hard.....

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Orphan Sunday

Today is Orphan Sunday.

A day to defend the fatherless (Isaiah 1:17).

I wish all churches would take the time to acknowledge this day-to fight for this like they spend countless hours fighting for other causes....

We are a people called to defend the fatherless…to care for the child that has no family…to visit orphans in their distress.

Here are just a few ways you can get involved this Orphan Sunday. For more ideas and information check out the website:

• Teach a class on "God's Heart for the Orphan."

• Encourage your pastor to preach on a Biblical theme related to orphans

• Partner with the Faces of the Forgotten Google Earth project to highlight visuals of orphan needs worldwide to your community or church family.

• Host a prayer gathering at your home or church

• Host a "Movie Night" on Friday, Saturday or Sunday at your house with a film including orphan-related themes. Plan questions beforehand to stimulate post-movie discussion.

• Partner with local artists for a concert or other performance that raises funds and/or awareness for orphan issues.

• Show a short video during your Sunday morning service.

• Host a campus gathering or lecture on orphan issues at your college.

• Give up one meal on Sunday; devote the time to praying for orphans and the money saved to help orphans.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Adoption Month

The month of November is National Adoption Awareness Month. This provides the opportunity for celebration, education and advocating for the many children still awaiting homes.

It seems to coincide appropriately with the month in which we also give thanksgiving for the many wonderful things we have in our lives.

Adoptive Families has created a calendar with ideas to help celebrate on a daily basis. Check it out here.

Happy Adoption Month!