Tuesday, February 24, 2009

It's Official.....For Real!

We just received this e-mail:

Hi Micah and SaraJane-
I just wanted to let you know that we received your certified Home Study and Bank letter and they have been added to your dossier, which is complete and looks good! We will keep you updated about when it is received in Ethiopia.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
~Jenn Dalton~
Program Assistant, Ethiopia

Holy crap that feels good!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

So it Begins...

Well it's done. We checked, double checked and checked again to make sure that we had everything we needed and not a single thing was missing....as far as we know.
After stopping by Joel and Laura's for a little celebration and prayer we headed to FedEx and sent our dossier and I-600A on their way. It was definitely a mixture of emotions, but SaraJane only cried a little bit! So the waiting period begins and we anxiously await the next step, a referral that will provide us information about our child!
The final stack of paper work to be sent in for our dossier.Micah with our receipts and tracking number-Oh my goodness! We are so excited!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Celebrations at Lalibela

We received an e-mail from a friend today and he gave us the link to an audio slideshow that shares photographs relating to the ceremony held at the Bet Maryam (Church of the Virgin Mary) in Lalibela, Ethiopia. They are celebrating the Orthodox Christmas as mentioned in our blog, Melkm Ganna.
Check out the link and enjoy the photos! Celebrations at Lalibela